I pm, saw me leave Aylesbury Bus station, to arrive in Oxford at 2.25 well in time to catch the 2.37 to Didcote Parkway for my change to the Cardiff train. Or it would have been if the Portsmouth train hadn't been running late, and holding all other trains up, which were coming into the same Platform, my Didcote train included. When I did eventually alight at Didcote, it was to see my Cardiff train streaming away into the distance. Next train wasn't for another hour and yours truly being of an impatient nature, hopped onto a Weston Super Mare bound train which stopped at Swindon, hopped off at Swindon and caught the Swansea bound train which stopped at Cardiff Central. Almost there I thought, only to arrive in Cardiff hop off the train and see my Vale train 's backside as it left Platform 7. Damnation! Nowt's ever simple thinks I, now nearly a dithering wreck of impatience, and soon to become a seething cauldron of anger when I saw the next train they had the nerve to put onto the Vale route...............Imagine two sardine cans with wheels and you may just have a slight picture of how we were packed in..........Big Notice on the doors "These doors open inward please keep this area clear" If 'Arriva Trans Wales' put more than two carriages on to serve the more than 8 stations on this route, then people may have a chance of obeying that notice. As it was people had to fight their way forwards to try and exit the train at their stops. Apart from all that its damned Dangerous!

All that aside I had a really good time, though the grand and great/grandchildren seem to be growing at an alarming rate. I have visions of a future in which I will be addressed as Shorty, or Small Breeches!

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