Wednesday, 24 August 2011

August 24th

I was watching question time last week, I think it was on the 19th, and Nassim Nicolas Taleb  in his interview hit the nail on the head for me, as to the causes of the global finacial situation. Might even get his Book the Black Swan  to read while en-route outward and homeward bound for Aylesbury.
I put the Iplayer link to the programme on my pearltrees Here.

Looking forward to my time in Bucks but will miss my computer, of course they have a much more up to-date computer than mine but with the 2 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren I rarely get the time to use it................and in any case time spent with sons children and grandchildren are precious. 
Love my grand/great/children as I do, these days however I always am pleased to arrive back home, and have to admit that the journey is a bit of a trial { I suffer with Vertigo/Labyrinthitis, to the point where I sometimes feel dizzy and disorientated while still sat down !}
Indeed this spring I frightened a poor chap 'a total stranger'  by grabbing hold of him whilst out shopping one day, or otherwise I would have fallen, he wasn't well pleased I think to find himself in the 'death like grip' of some old biddy.  ;0)

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