I awoke;today I had determined a new start. I stumbled to the bathroom, quickly washed and changed, and with pooch face waddling in my wake, made tracks for the kitchen and that first morning cuppa, so necessary to my system, the kick-start to my day.
I had a lot to do, dare I risk a quick peep on the computer, and yet have the will-power to stop when I needed to ’get on', well I won’t know until I try I reasoned. It was ok; I allowed myself a limited time and logged off when my time was up.
I started to tackle the tasks, and attempted to reach the goals I had set myself. Everything was going along smoothly, to smoothly; I should have known from past experience that things don't run smoothly in this home.
Poochy barked, and again! A red car had turned into the street; the barks were accompanied by a rotary wagging of tail. If she was lighter she would take off, an animalated helicopter in the making. We knew the car, we knew the owner, and we also now knew that today was NOT the day we could now make a fresh start.........oh help!
He came in, no need to knock these days, as he knows, barks and wags forewarn me. He spoke "I've so much to do today Jen, but I can’t seem to find the impetus." I clamped my mouth shut, swallowing down the riposte “so have I, and all the impetus required". I should have been firm, I should have determined! But I am weak, and he stays.
Now I had two followers hard on my heels, the one I have learned to step over and avoid, but I cannot step that high to avoid the other, indeed if any stepping over be done, he would have no trouble stepping over me. On went the kettle again, “I’ll have to go for bread" I said, "Please make the coffee while I’m gone".
12 pm came, he remained, I made my way into the kitchen and started to clean, he followed. "I have to go to B and Q" he said; my ears pricked up, Ah! Maybe a chance here,”But it doesn’t shut until quite late" he added. False start! My hopes dashed, I tried aversion tactics, "while your here would you look at the shower for me?" I asked "it’s not working". He scurried to his car returning with the required tools for the job. So much for my tactics!
The shower is kaput; I am not allowed to use it, on pain of death. I have been warned.
One lunch, one dog walk, and 10 coffee's later, he leaves, as I see him out he hesitates and turning round with a cheeky grin says " oh just time to catch B and Q", and my mind flashes back to when this man was but a boy of nine, leaving my house, with that same cheeky grin, the same loose limbed walk, as he reaches his car another flash, and he's that long haired teenager in leathers, motorbike at the ready, (he never did get me on the pillion) .
As he drives away I reflect on our conversations throughout the day, we had as always set the world to rights, rehashed funny incidents long since past, he had ribbed and teased me , as he always does. And I am glad that I was weak, that he had stayed. Howard, my son’s friend since childhood.

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