She is small, she is dark, and she is Welsh. Any other affinity to the Welsh nation must have been stifled at birth. For she is the most taciturn, ungenial person I have ever met. In my corner of South Wales I have found the people to be the exact opposite, in the majority; they rattle along in that sing songy welsh accent, at full tilt, with a witty, wry sense of humour aimed mostly at themselves.
But we have a common friend, who I will call Myfanwy...... This friend was blessed with more than her fair share of that witty humour, and dry wit, so lacking in Angharad. They made an odd couple. Though as small, Myfanwy was a perfect foil to Angharad's dark looks, being a true blonde.........But firm friends they were and still are, that friendship now spanning a half century.
It is an eventful friendship, full of ups and downs, arguments and makings up............some gems I have stored in my memory, let me share two of them with you.
The Market Stall
It is market day, as per normal this being Wales, it was wet, blustery and down right miserable weather...............but nothing stops these two from bargain hunting the many, 'some from foreign land's' stalls on the local market. Angharad was after a new dress for an approaching function, after much rattling round of hangers on various stalls she found the very thing, holding it up against herself for Myfanwy's inspection, they both agreed it was ideal. The 'Man to Pay' was stood by the very edge of the stall. Keeping the said garment safe from the wet floor, Angharad proceeded towards him to purchase her find. Did I mention it was blustery? ................Where a particularly vicious blust of wind, took the awning complete with its storage of the morning’s rain water, and dumped the lot on the unsuspecting Angharad's head, body, feet, and new as yet unpurchased dress.......
Myfanwy tried, she really did; but the huge bubble of laughter inside her must have its out!...........Angharad was furious! Flinging the by now bedraggled dress to the floor, she stamped on it; before storming off to the nearest cafe, a still giggling Myfanwy hot on her heels.........Angharad had borrowed a towel from the cafe owner to dry off, and now sat there refusing any attempts at apology, or conversation from the by now contrite Myfanwy.....she did not speak to her for two months.
Walking in the Snow
It was quite deep, and some of the buses weren’t running, nothing daunted this pair Angharad and Myfanwy so they set off for town on foot. But Angharad was nervous of falling, "just take very small steps" advised Myfanwy "and try and step into my tracks and you'll be ok."............It worked! By the time they reached town a more confident Angharad was able to step up the pace, albeit taking smaller steps than usual.........having made a few purchases, and warmed numb fingers, by holding brimming mugs of hot chocolate, they decided to walk home........They almost made it ! Just two more streets and a few more corners and they would have.............but no, a foot slipped, and a nonplussed Angharad was deposited firmly on her behind with shopping scattered in a circle around her. And what did Myfanwy do? She rushed to help of course, but not before that same bubble of laughter, that had betrayed her so many times before, escaped, and reached the ears of poor Angharad.
"Right that’s it" explodes a once more furious Angharad, "you said if I took small steps I wouldn’t fall, so I'm staying here now", and so saying she crossed ankles and folded her arms and lay back in the snow. ........A brave Taxi slid to a halt beside's them, "are you alright love?" The driver enquired. "Oh fine "came back the terse reply.”I always lay in the snow, didn’t yer know? Quite relaxing, why don’t you join me!" (All this with out so much as a smile, a turning up of mouth corners. I have yet to see Angharad smile, and fear I will end my days without witnessing such a big event.) It took the combined efforts of Myfanwy and Taxi man to gather Angharad up plus shopping, and manhandle her into the taxi cab for the short distance drive to her home.
Another two months silence!

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