To answer Seaside Girls comment, yes that would be fun as long as you could put up with a warped sense of humour, and a fussy eater. xxx
Well I was commenting on the lack of facilities and general run down state of the area I live in since I bought my property here. True they have done wonders with the Park opposite my house and lots of activities go on there throughout the year, and lo and behold they have just opened a new Tesco Express at the Junction of two of the main streets here in Cadoxton. They have created an Express out of the old Royal Hotel Public House which was a Hundred years old............However it had turned into an eyesore since falling empty some years back as can be seen here It is sad to see so many old buildings disappearing around this area, an area rich in History and once the most populated area of the town, Old Mill Farm which is two doors down from me can be seen on maps from the 17 Century.
BUT ! Times move on and sad thought it is to see History disappear, if this new Tesco breaths life back into the area then surely its all for the better.
The little 'ethnic minority' shops around here have had the monopoly in this area for far to long. Yes I know Tesco is a greedy giant in the retail food/goods industry, and no I don't really like to see them popping up everywhere, indeed it could be argued that it is due to them and other large supermarket chains that areas like mine became run down in the first place. So I am a bit conflicted on this, however, if this store can stimulate others to open businesses in the area, maybe it will have a new lease of life, and again become the vibrant shopping area it was in the past.

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