Sunday, 21 August 2011

Sat 21st August

Well my Potato bread was an epic fail !  Last night I decided to make some potato bread I've made it many times in the past, and the 'children' as they then were, used to love it.  So what happened ?  God only know's, I made it exactly as previously, yet it turned out quite doughy......Yuk !
Still, I am damned if those ingredients that went into it will be a total waste, it is now sitting in the oven after a  make over, and hopefully, I will have a lovely bread pudding for tea tonight, just had a peek and its coming along and looking really scrummy.
I should be cleaning the bedrooms and bathroom right now as I am going away for a long weekend , leaving son and daughter-in-law in charge of house , potted plants etc.
But what the hell, it will all still be there when I come back, housework must be the all-time most boring job.

Have been trying to find the cheapest route to Aylesbury [the car is out as no longer like driving on motorways]
And I have found that if I take the train and go via Cardiff Central to Didcot Parkway then a connection to Oxford, I can get a bus from right outside the Station into Aylesbury, train fare only £50 for a super off-peak return.
Cannot wait to get away, a break is just what I need right now.

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