I mean I'm running early today, when in actual fact I thought I was running late..........I shot out of bed this morning, 'well maybe that a bit of an exaggeration' I stumbled would be more accurate..........And when I got downstairs the clock showed 11.15 .....Blimey have not been that late up for ages I thought.
So after a cuppa, a strip wash ( shower's on the blink) and a tobacco fix I logged in, now why didn't I look at the clock on the pooter god alone know's, but by 1.15 all the chores I was prepared to do had been done, and the dog had been fed....something I don't usually do until after she has been walked together with Shadow, by my son each morning at about 10/11 am, but as he had not arrived I fed her, thinking that I would give her an extra long walk in the afternoon.........
When low and behold my son walked in..........Your very late I said did something hold you up ? Well he said I didn't get up until 9 but I have to be heading towards Cardiff by 12.30............Um think your going to be a bit late then sez I, its 1 .20 now.............
Mum what planet are you on? say's he laughing at my obvious confusion, well my clock says 1.20 I replied. Batteries Mum batteries he laughed.
Well if it had been sunny I would have known by its position in the sky I said to cover my embarrassment............
Well I did do a good turn today because Son went to Cardiff accompanied by a chuckle...........
You did two good turns today Goldie because you made me chuckle too :-)
Make that three, I'm chuckling too. Imagine how daft you would have felt if you had to go to work and got there that early.......
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