Why doesn't my spagbol ever come out the same twice, even if I do it exactly the same.....A long advocate of the bung it in and hope for the best brigade.........I was determined on producing a lovely spag bol one day, to stick to exactly to the same amount of ingredients the next time..........I was sorely disappointed it was nowhere nearly as nice as the first batch .can anyone explain this to me ?
Off to eat my nearly nice spag bol now........:0(
OK, Sphag Bol is one of the few things i can cook. I am fairly useless in the kitchen and can only really do things people have shown me. Sphag bol, chicken curry, roast dinner, apple pie, victoria sponge...after that, it's every man for himself.
But you are right, it does come out different every time, but in my case thats because I never measure anything and just throw in whatever I remember. it works OK in the slow cooker, though.
Do you put a squirt of tomato sauce in yours? The person who showed me how to do it said it was vital......
What recipe do you use Italian or English?
No SSG Just tomato Purée, when the kids were home it always came out ok , but since I have cut down quantity of ingredients as only cooking for one, I don't seem to be able to get it as I like it.......
Blimey 'that woman' its my own recipe so its English.or Welsh lol
I'll tell you how I do it...I sweat down two medium onions, together with a large grated carrot, when the onions are translucent, I add three crushed cloves of garlic and fry for a little longer then I add a TBS of flour ( I cant stand spagbol without body )let that cook gently to take the rawness of the flour. I push this to the side of the pan then dry fry 500 grams of minced beef gradually adding it to the other ingredients as it cooks down add beef stock about 3/4 a pint, tomato purée about two TBS a TBS mixed herbs, bring it to the boil and then add about 200 grams sliced mushrooms and a huge slosh of red wine, season to taste and leave to simmer for three quarters of a hour.
Couple of things,you could try making double or treble and freezing in portions,instead of the flour try cooking for way,way longer than 3/4s of an hour.
I asked Italian or Welsh ;-) because in a proper Bolognese sauce you finish it with milk,the ragu (ragu means meat based sauce usually served with pasta) is also served in Bologna with soft egg tagliatelle noodles not hard durum wheat spaghetti.
Guess who used to cook for a living in a restaurant.
Yes have heard spag bol is better cooked for longer.......think it was that creepy chef the one with the annoying voice Anthony Worrel something or other............and I do prefer tagliatelle too........much softer and don't like spaghetti as your supposed to serve it....
one day will have a bash at making my own pasta ...
You lot are so posh with your real cooking. I still make 'starving art students living in digs' bolognese that would make any self respecting Italian run home to his mama. And I make a ginormous cauldron full and freeze in in yoghurt pots because my starving offspring like to take it home with them.
I do simmer it for at least two hours... as well as tomato sauce it contains, worester sauce, soya sauce, chilli pepper, paprika, red and green peppers, mushrooms........and grated cheese stirred in at the end. In other words, anything that was handy. Always wholewheat sphaghetti as a tribute to a health freak I used to live with.
Teehee,just cos I know how to do it properly, doesn't mean that's the way I do it. When the kids were growing up three out of five of us were veggie,so sgetti vegannaise (except it rarely was sgetti,usually whatever shape was on special offer)was often the meal of choice,what we had in the house was what went into it....with a good old dollop of grated cheese on top.
I didn't have any Parmigiano-Reggiano so used just cheddar but cant beat the proper Parmisan for with spag bol...Mind I love that Colliers mature cheddar, lasts so long and doesn't go hard or dry..cant say I'm that keen on other shapes of pasta apart from spagetti, linguine and tagliatallibut I'm an old stick in the mud...:0)
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