Myfanwy popped in for a cup of coffee after her morning trip into town, it's a ritual for her to go into town every morning with Angharad..She was rather wet and bedraggled as it was tipping it down, but also rather flustered........She was carrying a rather battered looking umbrella in addition to her own one..............After drying out and being now settled with her cuppa..she said "That Angharad ! We came home on the bus, and both got off at the Royal Hotel, but as we crossed the road she slipped and fell, and her umbrella went tumbling off down the road in the wind, I gave chase and managed to grab it.......but when I got back and handed it to her, she snatched it off me and stuffed it in a waste bin saying "Sod the umbrella ! You left me on the floor and some man had to help me up, a fine friend you are...........then she stormed off . To be honest Jen" Myfanwy continued "It was either chase the umbrella or collapse with laughter, she looked so funny with her legs akimbo flat on her back in the middle of the road, and you know how mad she gets when I laugh........I just cant win"
So it was with this in mind that on seeing them in town one wet day as I was driving home I stopped and offered them a lift...........Myfanwy didn't hesitate, hopping in post-haste, but Angharad looking sceptical slowly climbed in next to me into the passenger seat.....We chatted on the way home, well at least Myfanwy and I did.....But Angharad looked as if she was on a white-knuckle ride, and when I stopped to let her out scrambled out with indecent alacrity with a loud "Thank God fer that !"......and not one word of thanks....Well I didn't think my driving was that bad !
:0) I love this story.
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